Tuesday 10 May 2011

Holiday and my feet artwork

Well, I feel like I have been back to the UK for about a month already!! I had to make a huge effort to concentrate on my studies since I've been back...for obvious reasons I can't stop thinking about our holiday ;) 

On a serious note, before I start writing about holiday and etc, I would like to invite you to go to a lecture. The lecturer is called Divaldo Franco and he is a well known medium in Brazil who will talk about Planetary Transition in Holborn tomorrow at 19:00. You can find details of this event here                         


I would highly recommend this lecture as I've read his book about Planetary Transition and I loved it. Just be aware that this will be a normal and interesting lecture about the period of moral transition that the planet is going through in the light of Spiritism.

Talking about lectures, we went to see a lecture from an astronaut in Nasa. His name is Fred Gregory and he's a lovely guy. He told us a bit about his life and it seems to me that, what motivated him to change jobs all the time and get to be an astronaut, was boredom. That made me think that there is still hope for myself!!! I don't hope to be an astronaut, but I hope to find different things that I love doing and motivate me. His lecture was extremely interesting because it was extremely personal somehow.

It made me a bit sad to see him talking about his program being cancelled and the fact that no more shuttle launches will happen after these two scheduled ones. It makes me feel that we are taking a step away from God by not going into the space. But I am sure that we, as a humanity, will be able to take another step forward again in the future.

Okay, now let's talk about holiday and my feet artwork :) During this last holiday, I decided to take my feet art work seriously. Everything started in Barbados last year...

This was probably the first shot I ever took of my feet!!!! And I only did it because the view was great and I couldn't be arsed to move my feet out of the way ;) But while we were in the cruise, I thought about starting to take pictures of my feet in every single beach place I go to!! The view of the sea was great from the ship and that's why I took pictures of my feet again, but now I think I will do it everywhere I go with a cool beach and nice views around to have my own artwork!!! hehehe

I know what you're thinking, but I haven't drunk anything, I am just a bit quirky ;) Before you get to any conclusions, have a look at my feet art shots taken somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. This time I thought carefully about poses and angles. Tee hee!!!!

  Not bad, hey? ;) I thought I would have trouble with being in a ship for 7 days and not seeing land around, but, as you can see, I couldn't care less and I couldn't stop appreciating the view. The colour of the Ocean is so beautiful, isn't it?  

In this trip, I also learned things about myself that I never felt strongly about before. I learned that I love the sea more than I thought I did. I learned that I absolutely hate sharks and they are predators of dolphins (outrageous!!!).

I also learned that people from different cultures might stereotype different things in different ways, but stereotypes exist everywhere. I learned that people, sometimes, miss on doing things or experiencing things themselves, in order to form their own opinion about stuff, because the majority of other people "judge"their choices or insinuate that their experience will not be good, for whatever reason, without having ever experienced those things themselves. Sometimes we might say things like that, just repeating what everybody else is saying, and we don't stop to think that this attitude is seriously silly. 

This kind of situation happened to me in regards to the cruise this time. I cannot count how many people asked me why I would go on a cruise if I am not on my 70's!!! hahaha I am so glad that I went to one before my 70's and now I can say that I loved it and it was worth it. I think I did things in this cruise that I wouldn't be able to do if I was in my 70's!!! Anyway, I was able to make my own judgement about how it feels to be in a cruise, and I can say that, if you have the opportunity and the will to go on a cruise, but you're not 70 years old, go and have a ball! Don't care about what other people might say or think, just go if you want to and get to your own conclusions.

 After writing about weird stuff that I found out about myself and the world, which might seem a bit random but that are absolutely true, I want to talk about Sherlock having a twitter account. Sorry, hubby, but I have to mention this because it's just too weird to be ignored :D 

Sherlock is our beloved chocolate Labrador for the ones who don't know about him. He's the chocolate sauce on top of my vanilla ice cream #lovehim

To cut the story short, hubby had a beer or two one night and created a twitter account for our dog. You can add him if you want to (he's very friendly after a while...). He is @ChubbySherlock. 
I just want to make it absolutely clear to all of you that I wasn't the one who created his account (it wasn't me who has done a weird thing in this house for a change!) ;)

Take care!

Mrs. P



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