Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Social Network and employers

Today I was reading some tweets from a friend of mine that caught my attention. The tweets were talking about how much social networks are more and more part of your curriculum vitae for future employers, because they are accessing them more and more to find out more about you. A tweet also said that, if a job offer is withdrawn because the future employer saw your Facebook, for example, it's your fault, not theirs.
Although I can see that only knowledge isn't enough nowadays, moral also is (or at least it should be), I cannot understand how future employers can base their opinion in what they read in an "about me" or a picture they see on someones Facebook, for example. How can future employers judge someone based on these things to give them a job or not? Is it fair or sensible? Are those people being truthful in the network? Can they know whether they really are, or are not, this or that way by looking at a network profile? These are questions I asked myself.
It seems to me that people can say everything you want to hear and write everything you would expect them to, just to get what they want, but not because of whom they really are. Everybody nowadays knows that internet can make you or break you, let's say. Maybe that candidate who seems to be great for the job copied something from someone else's work, article or profile on internet, and put in theirs, just because they thought it would take them somewhere, not because they necessarily agreed with it. What about people that are being honest and showing themselves as they really are, but seem less than perfect in the social network, for example? Are they to be in disadvantage compared to the ones that chose to deceive? How can a future employer know who they really are based on internet?
With globalization, people from different cultures live and work in different countries. How can the future employer disregard cultural differences? Maybe what would be tolerated in one country, would be an offense in another. The future employees, who were not born in the country they're currently working in, might not always be familiar with certain "work rules" in that particular country. This takes time to get used to, and maybe, the future employee will never be able to get used to certain things. For example, I was told once that it is an offense to call a manager by his name instead of by his nickname, if this is the way they prefer to be called, here in England. In Brazil, it doesn't make any difference at all if you call someone by their name or nickname, even if they prefer nicknames, and it would be viewed as totally acceptable. In England, for example, drinking beer during lunch breaks is normal and accepted, but it wouldn't be seen as professional and acceptable in Brazil, for example. Can you really say that British people are not professional because they drink alcohol during lunch breaks and people from Brazil are professional because they don't? No, you can't. Let's say that a British citizen tweeted that they were going to have a pint with their colleagues at lunch break in a sunny day. Would future employers from different countries dismiss this person's application because of that? Should they?
It seems to me that future employers using the internet to choose their candidates can lead to discrimination. This is something that our laws combat so much and it seems that it could be  accepted, if it involves internet. And, in this scenario, it seems that future employers will have the right to say that it is the applicants fault, not theirs. So, who is to prove that a future employer is discriminating someone by what they have in their profile, for example, religion, interests and etc? How can anyone prove that they weren't chosen by a future employer because they have a criminal record and this information is available on a social network, for example? How can anyone prove that they weren't chosen by a company because they wrote about their religious views and it's not the same religious views of their future superiors who are about to hire someone? I don't think anyone can prove it. But should we start writing about or putting pictures of things we think others will approve of, or write about and put deceitful pictures of whatever we want to? Wasn't it the point of social networks when they came up: to allow people to be virtually spontaneous and socialize via internet? Is this point starting to be distorted now?
People make mistakes. Everyone does. If someone was very young and put a picture on internet that was less than nice, why should this individual "pay"for that, by not getting that vacancy they wanted, later on when they are mature? If an individual wrote something in the heat of the moment that seems a bit unpleasant, why should this individual "pay" for that professionally? Does it mean that these people are not good people or good employees? Maybe they are not, but maybe they just made a mistake, but are essentially good people and will make great employees. The fact that we cannot tell if it was a simple mistake, or if the person doesn't  strike us as being how we would like them to be professionally, is enough to make the "internet recruitment process" unfair.
All of this makes me think that future employers should be like a jury that is asked to disregard some information in a trial, if this information is not accepted by the court as being valid "evidence". The evidence would be the social network information and future employers would be the jury (if you're a lawyer, pardon me if my metaphor is not too good!). It does feel to me like we can potentially be judged and be "convicted" or not by future employers for our internet personal content. The sentence would be to not get the job you wanted because of social network content. Everybody has the right to a fair trial, right? Even the criminal who was convicted for a crime that they committed in real life will need to work to survive someday, in the real world, so maybe we should ask ourselves whether it's acceptable that future employers can dismiss anyone's application based on what we seem to be on a social network.
I might be seen as trouble to many future employers because I write and I say exactly what I think. Many of them don't like that in an employee, although, by law, they cannot give it as a reason for not choosing me. But I believe that everybody should be totally honest about who they are, we shouldn't be forced to being robotic or paranoid about what people might think about us, without knowing us. It doesn't make me less than a team player or a reliable employee to be outspoken, direct and strong willed. It doesn't mean I can't follow leads either. Thinking out of the box and being upfront about it is a great personality trait to have, in my opinion, but in my personal experience, it hasn't been always appreciated in the professional world. We are free human beings and future employers should cherish our differences, not try to make it harder for anyone to get a job because they are not exactly the way they wanted us to be on the internet. Kids might write silly things that are rebellious to impress their mates, once upon a time, but they shouldn't be punished for that after they grow out of it, for example. The young ones, in particular, can be in disadvantage just for once being young and immature, like everybody else once was. People can be so different on internet, because they choose to be a character, many times, and not because of who they really are...this can be really tricky. They might create this character on internet, who doesn't share their real beliefs, tendencies and personality, because they want to be that character, but are not. Or maybe they just want to convince people they are that character to gain something from it. It seems that it can be better to be whom you really are, but use a pseudonym to avoid being judged, than to pretend to be something you are not and use your real name. What does that mean? How can you know that what I wrote here is what I really mean? You can only tell if I mean what I wrote if you know me. If you don't know me, don't judge me. 
In order to have a better society, we have to try to be understanding, even when the situation involves money. People can be extremely competitive or unreasonable when it's about financial matters, positions, status, appearances! There is that popular saying which makes total sense: "Appearances deceive us".
I think that the video below is interesting... especially because of the final question that appears on the screen. I don't know if the information in this video is correct or up to date, but it does make you think.


Mrs. P

Thursday, 19 May 2011


I was thinking today about Science and God. I am constantly thinking about both. I want to be able to understand both and, at the same time, understand the reason why people in general do not consider both subjects equally important to our evolution as moral human beings.
I went to a Science event the other day. It was very interesting, but I could observe certain behaviours that, quite frankly, disappointed me a bit. Sometimes, I have the impression that scientists, in general, seem to think that, by knowing more about Science, they are better human beings than the ones who don't. It also made me think that many religious leaders might think that, by believing in God and knowing more about Him, they are better human beings than the ones who don't. This shows us how we are far away from being perfect. Where is the balance to be found in human nature?
Scientists seem to often regard people who believe in God or are religious as stupid, uneducated, weak minded or delusional. They don't say it as being what they think, because this wouldn't be accepted by society, and they might be regarded as prejudists. In the Academic World, being considered prejudist is synonym of ignorance, as far as I am concerned, and no scientist would like to be seen as such, I am sure. So, instead of saying it as they think, they make jokes, because this is accepted by society. That was the disappointing bit for me. If scientists are so certain that Science alone is the only way to get answers from, why do they feel the need to humiliate religious people and their faith in the form of jokes? Not direct jokes, not to any particular faith or particular person, but in general. Is it to masquerade their despise for religion and make it sound very plausible and funny? This event wasn't offensive to me at all, because I didn't feel the need to be offended by it (it was rather interesting, actually, to observe this behaviour that I didn't expect, being disclosed by scientists), but gave me an insight to something I was rather surprised to find.
I couldn't help it but compare this Science event to the Divaldo Franco's lecture that I've been to, days before, which was essentially religious. Divaldo never attacked Science, quite the opposite, he used of Scientific information in his lecture many times. He never made fun of Science, on the contrary, he respected Science. I just wonder why Scientists could not do the same in regards to religious matters...
To be honest, I don't know why scientists need to mention religion at all in their events...isn't religion a delusion in their point of view? So why was it used as a way of making some of their points in this event? Things like "the world will not end, morons" was used in the event, implying that certain religious people who believe in the end of the world are morons; and a song played backwards mentioning Satan (which can be a sacrilege for many religious people) was part of this event (at this part, I must confess that I was imagining how truly shocked a religious fanatic would be by listening to something that mentioned Satan and 666!). I know that those scientists were trying to make a point by using these methods, but my question is: why did they use methods that could be associated to religion to make their point? Not only to make their point, but also to ridicule religion itself. I noticed all of this because I am a spiritual person, and I am also into Science (believe me, it is not that uncommon!), but these points might have been missed (intentionally or not) by the majority of people there. I didn't go to a Science event to hear scientists making fun of religion (even if it was indirectly), I went there to listen to them talk about Science. As much as I didn't go to Divaldo Franco's lecture to listen to something negative about Science, like (this is a hypothetical situation!!) if he told us to not want to know more about Science because it's not from God (which he didn't do at all, let's make it very clear!)
There is a young British scientist who I admire for making Physics an interesting and understandable subject for the mass. I think that what he is doing is brilliant. His name is Brian Cox. His contribution in this event was the best, in my point of view. He mentioned something that really caught my attention. He explained something and showed us a formula. The formula had a H in it, which is for helium, if I remember well, but the helium hasn't been discovered yet to be part of that formula. I understood that the helium was thought to be part of that equation, but it hasn't been proved by Science yet, although they are almost sure that they will be able to prove it soon. At that point I thought: Why can Science accept the possibility that they might be wrong about an element being part of a formula, but say no to the possibility that they might be wrong about the existence of God? After all, they were not able to prove that this element is part of that equation yet, as much as they are not able to prove, scientifically, that God does or does not exist...interesting, isn't it? I have a friend (a dear one) called Raul Teixeira who is, at the same time, a religious person and lecturer, a medium, a Physicist and a Professor who teaches Physics in a Federal University in Brazil. Isn't it an example of balance?
I think that we all need to find balance in life to achieve best results in everything, and it's not something easily done. Being an extremely intelligent scientist doesn't make you an example of a good hearted human being with great morals, as much as being a religious person doesn't make you stupid, weak minded, delusional or uneducated. Being a religious person doesn't make you kinder or better in anyway than an atheist either! It's not how much you know about Science or how much you believe in God that makes you better than anyone. Let's ponder about what the thought of being better than others, for whatever reason, does instead!!!

Nobody ever doubted that Beethoven was still a brilliant composer and musician even after he became completely deaf. Although he didn't have his hearing, which it's essential for a musician, nobody ever thought that his works were not his, because he couldn't hear, or he wasn't as much of a genius after his hearing loss. He was a genius while he could hear and he continued being a genius after losing his hearing. It shows me that we don't need only our material senses to be able to accomplish goals. We also need our soul to continue to accomplish them, because only a soul keeps what is truly ours...
This is my favorite song of his composition. One day, I will be playing it myself ;) 

Take care!

Mrs. P 


Saturday, 14 May 2011

It's not always easy to put things into practice

I went to Divaldo Franco's lecture on Tuesday in London. It was great! I was feeling in peace, but that same day I noticed how difficult it is to put everything we believe in into practice sometimes. I find it easy to have beliefs, but it's very difficult to give testimony of those beliefs. And I don't mean only the testimonies that we have to give in front of everybody, but also the ones in private, when only you and God know about them.
Sometimes I feel that, in society, people act in certain ways to fit in into whatever they think will make people like them better, but in private, between them, their consciousness and God, the story is different.
Although a new era is coming, where people are starting to want to be more good than bad, we still struggle to offer the other cheek. This is probably part of the process of trying to change for better, because no one changes easily and quickly. But the important thing is to persevere, even with any possible failure you might encounter on the way, while trying to do so. 
Sometimes I feel like I am being constantly tested in my weaknesses. And now I think that I understand better what Jesus meant when He said: "And if thy right hand offends thee, cut it off and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of they members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell". (Matthew, 5: 30-29).
This day, after Divaldo Franco's lecture,  I felt like I would like to physically remove every part of my moral being that wasn't good. Unfortunately, no one can do it physically, we all need to learn how to remove our moral flaws through changing ourselves for better and, I think that the majority would agree with me, it's hard!!!

I read in the chapter Blessed are the pure in heart, from the Gospel according to Spiristism, parts number 12 and 17, something that I think it explains what I mean: 

"12. In its most usual sense the word offence means any action which goes ostensively against morality or decorum. The offence is not in the action itself so much as in the repercussion it may cause. The word always implies a certain amount of commotion and dispute. Many people are content if they avoid causing offence in public, because this would cause them to suffer loss of prestige, so hurting their pride. They do their best to hide their mistakes as this is sufficient to quieten their consciences. They are, as Jesus said: "As white sepulchres which are full of rottenness, like vessels which are clean without, but dirty within."
But in the evangelic sense the accepted meaning of the word 'offence', used so repeatedly, is very much more generalised and this is why in certain cases its meaning is not understood. It becomes not only that which affects the conscience of another person, but also everything which is the result of vice and human imperfections, every bad reaction from one individual to another, with or without repercussion. In this case the offence is the effective result of bad morality."

"17. If your hand be the cause of offence, cut it off. This is a very strong statement and it would be absurd for it to be taken in its literal sense. It should therefore be understood that each one must destroy within themselves everything that might cause offence, that is to say all evil, by rooting out every impure thought and every tendency towards violence, corruption or depravity. It also means that it is preferable for a man to cut off a hand rather than use it to commit an evil action, or better still, to lose one's sight rather than allow one's eyes to conceive bad thoughts. For those who take the trouble to discover the allegoric meaning of His words, Jesus never said anything that was absurd. Nevertheless, many things cannot be understood without the key to decipher them and this key is offered to us through Spiritism."

I love the prayer from Francis of Assisi. He was extremely inspired when he wrote this prayer, and this prayer probably contains in itself what everybody should aspire to do properly one day... That's a prayer which always make me emotional and I wanted to share it with you, not mattering who you are or what you believe in: 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


In french: 

Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.

Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve, c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.

In Portuguese:

Senhor: Fazei de mim um instrumento de vossa Paz.
Onde houver Ódio, que eu leve o Amor,
Onde houver Ofensa, que eu leve o Perdão.
Onde houver Discórdia, que eu leve a União.
Onde houver Dúvida, que eu leve a .
Onde houver Erro, que eu leve a Verdade.
Onde houver Desespero, que eu leve a Esperança.
Onde houver Tristeza, que eu leve a Alegria.
Onde houver Trevas, que eu leve a Luz!

Ó Mestre,
fazei que eu procure mais:
consolar, que ser consolado;
compreender, que ser compreendido;
amar, que ser amado.
Pois é dando, que se recebe.
Perdoando, que se é perdoado e
é morrendo, que se vive para a vida eterna!
Now there is this song about this prayer in Portuguese that I love. I think the version in Portuguese prettier than the version in English. This song makes me really feel every word of this prayer and it makes me feel more determined to be a better person every time I listen to it. Hope you like it. 


Mrs. P 


Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Holiday and my feet artwork

Well, I feel like I have been back to the UK for about a month already!! I had to make a huge effort to concentrate on my studies since I've been back...for obvious reasons I can't stop thinking about our holiday ;) 

On a serious note, before I start writing about holiday and etc, I would like to invite you to go to a lecture. The lecturer is called Divaldo Franco and he is a well known medium in Brazil who will talk about Planetary Transition in Holborn tomorrow at 19:00. You can find details of this event here                         


I would highly recommend this lecture as I've read his book about Planetary Transition and I loved it. Just be aware that this will be a normal and interesting lecture about the period of moral transition that the planet is going through in the light of Spiritism.

Talking about lectures, we went to see a lecture from an astronaut in Nasa. His name is Fred Gregory and he's a lovely guy. He told us a bit about his life and it seems to me that, what motivated him to change jobs all the time and get to be an astronaut, was boredom. That made me think that there is still hope for myself!!! I don't hope to be an astronaut, but I hope to find different things that I love doing and motivate me. His lecture was extremely interesting because it was extremely personal somehow.

It made me a bit sad to see him talking about his program being cancelled and the fact that no more shuttle launches will happen after these two scheduled ones. It makes me feel that we are taking a step away from God by not going into the space. But I am sure that we, as a humanity, will be able to take another step forward again in the future.

Okay, now let's talk about holiday and my feet artwork :) During this last holiday, I decided to take my feet art work seriously. Everything started in Barbados last year...

This was probably the first shot I ever took of my feet!!!! And I only did it because the view was great and I couldn't be arsed to move my feet out of the way ;) But while we were in the cruise, I thought about starting to take pictures of my feet in every single beach place I go to!! The view of the sea was great from the ship and that's why I took pictures of my feet again, but now I think I will do it everywhere I go with a cool beach and nice views around to have my own artwork!!! hehehe

I know what you're thinking, but I haven't drunk anything, I am just a bit quirky ;) Before you get to any conclusions, have a look at my feet art shots taken somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. This time I thought carefully about poses and angles. Tee hee!!!!

  Not bad, hey? ;) I thought I would have trouble with being in a ship for 7 days and not seeing land around, but, as you can see, I couldn't care less and I couldn't stop appreciating the view. The colour of the Ocean is so beautiful, isn't it?  

In this trip, I also learned things about myself that I never felt strongly about before. I learned that I love the sea more than I thought I did. I learned that I absolutely hate sharks and they are predators of dolphins (outrageous!!!).

I also learned that people from different cultures might stereotype different things in different ways, but stereotypes exist everywhere. I learned that people, sometimes, miss on doing things or experiencing things themselves, in order to form their own opinion about stuff, because the majority of other people "judge"their choices or insinuate that their experience will not be good, for whatever reason, without having ever experienced those things themselves. Sometimes we might say things like that, just repeating what everybody else is saying, and we don't stop to think that this attitude is seriously silly. 

This kind of situation happened to me in regards to the cruise this time. I cannot count how many people asked me why I would go on a cruise if I am not on my 70's!!! hahaha I am so glad that I went to one before my 70's and now I can say that I loved it and it was worth it. I think I did things in this cruise that I wouldn't be able to do if I was in my 70's!!! Anyway, I was able to make my own judgement about how it feels to be in a cruise, and I can say that, if you have the opportunity and the will to go on a cruise, but you're not 70 years old, go and have a ball! Don't care about what other people might say or think, just go if you want to and get to your own conclusions.

 After writing about weird stuff that I found out about myself and the world, which might seem a bit random but that are absolutely true, I want to talk about Sherlock having a twitter account. Sorry, hubby, but I have to mention this because it's just too weird to be ignored :D 

Sherlock is our beloved chocolate Labrador for the ones who don't know about him. He's the chocolate sauce on top of my vanilla ice cream #lovehim

To cut the story short, hubby had a beer or two one night and created a twitter account for our dog. You can add him if you want to (he's very friendly after a while...). He is @ChubbySherlock. 
I just want to make it absolutely clear to all of you that I wasn't the one who created his account (it wasn't me who has done a weird thing in this house for a change!) ;)

Take care!

Mrs. P



Friday, 6 May 2011

I'm back!

Hi there!!!! 
Wow! Haven't written here for almost a month! Have loads to talk about but it's too much to write in once...will take some days, I think! We went on an wonderful trip to the US which had moments that took my breath away.
In this post, I just want to be grateful. I always wanted to be a grateful person because being grateful is one of the best personality traits I think anyone can have. I want to thank God for having my eyes, my ears, my legs, my arms and my health. They allow me to experience everything and these experiences allow my soul to feel more than my body can. I felt so many things in this trip. I felt the nature, the beauty of the animals, the beauty of the seas and nature's amazing views. I felt love, emotion and a great happiness. I felt everything was created for our appreciation and delight and we take it all for granted, unfortunately. I remember being in the most amazing sea swimming and I was praying to thank God for the opportunity to see what I was seeing and to feel the happiness I was feeling. I am talking about feeling the sand between my toes, the smell of the sea, the temperature of its water, to taste how salty it was, to see the creatures that live in it up close, to feel the sun in my face, you know...simple things that make me the most happy! I will never be more happy than when seeing and feeling what God created for us all. Money can give you the means to go to certain places and do certain things, but no money can buy how you feel about these experiences and how you choose to cherish them, like when you interact with God's creatures and the nature! When I told my husband about how grateful to God I was for these things, he answered:" Strange!" hehehehe 
I guess people feel things in a different way and at different levels! Like when I cried while watching the film about space and universe at Nasa or when I felt my eyes tearing up because I was feeding a dolphin! These things have a deep spiritual meaning to me...They might not seem spiritual to you, but they are very much so to me ;)

Now I just want to put a picture here of one of the creatures that I fell in love with (I truly did!!!) while on this US trip and who I can't stop thinking about!!! :P I am also posting a video of a song that I love and has great lyrics which I think it has everything to do with this trip! I dedicate this song to Andy!!!! ;)  


Mrs. P 

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now 

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight 

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am 

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken  

I just want you to know who I am

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am